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The thief skill is one kind of GW2 Skills; the following will give you the details about GW2 thief skills.


Stealth—Thieves can disappear into the shadows. This allows them to become invisible to enemy players and to ignore aggro. This kind of skills is helpful when you farm GW2 Gold. When in Stealth mode, the thief can still be damaged, which temporarily reveals them. When a thief is hidden, attacking will break the deception.

Shadow Stepping—Thieves can get in and out of battle quickly by using a technique called Shadow Stepping. This skill allows them to disappear from one location and then instantly appear at a different location by traveling through the shadows.

Traps—Thieves use traps to ambush unsuspecting enemies and control areas. For example, Shadow Trap is a trap that puts the thief into Stealth and Shadow Steps them back to the trap's location.


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